Wednesday, March 30, 2016


What are you feeding your brain?
-Technology (T.V., Music, computer, email, etc. )has many good points, what is your daily dosage? For you? For your Family. 
-Content of the tech you and your family are exposed to daily…good for the heart good for the brain?
-20%-30% of what we eat goes to feed our brain? What are you feeding yours, or your families brain today.
What environment do you work in?

-On and On and On, I’m sure many of you will come up with your own and how you can make  a change to get the life you know you deserve.


This will help you in your normal daily decisions. This will make a little voice inside, pipe up and give you and answer. This is your inner radar people! LISTEN TO IT. We all have one and tend to ignore it. Time to brush off the cob webs!

I am my no means asking you to make changes all at once. Everything in life is about balance.

No time in the day? Wrong the currant decisions that we are making with the time we are using are not only choices we have made, but how or what we are choosing in the day will effect our life. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DAY

Do you have the life you want? Could be for many of us our habits are keeping us back instead of allowing us to move forward.

PICK 1 THING. FIND YOUR SPARK, YOUR LIGHT…”Liiiight Bullllb!” (Gru from Despicable Me)

Click the link and see if theres one thing that makes sense for you in your life. 1 thing. Start making a change tomorrow ( bet you thought I was gonna say today,) its all about timing), with that 1 thing, or the process to get you to that 1 thing that is GOOD. Good for you, good for your life.

I will be touching on many of these subjects in my blog in the next coming weeks. Let me know of your opinions and if theres something you would like me to elaborate on. Take it for what it is, Don't use it, Use it, Its all about you baby! Hold on to your seats! (“Is going to be a bumpy ride!”)(Jamaican accent)
(Harry Potter) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Hows your Brain? Many people feel that its a normal thing for memory to go the older someone’s age is. YOU WOULD BE WRONG. You could currantly be 35, 42 ,etc. and have an 80 yr old brain. You could be 70 and have a 50yr old brain. Which would you rather have? Which are we raising our kids to have by the habits we instill for them today.

Here is a link for you to check out. Doesn't matter if you are single, married, eat crappy, eat healthy, have no feeling at all when it come to spirituality or believe in a higher force, or not agree with everything said here. “Open Your Miiind!” (Total Recall, the 80’s version)


Heads up this is a long utube. I decided to LISTEN it in increments and kept coming back to it anytime i had a distraction in my life that didn’t allow me to fully focus. Kids, dogs, job, life etc. Theres no need to physically watch the screen if you are unable. I myself listened to it while getting ready, doing dishes, laundry, when i first woke up instead of my usual alarm clock music,
getting ready for bed, You get the idea. Be free of distractions and if one arises simply pause and come back. 

I ask that you click on this link with an open heart/mind leaving judgement behind. “Just for shits and giggles, see if this is your bag baby.” (Austin Powers reference for anyone scratching their head:)

I guarantee there will be something here for everyone. THIS BLOG IS ABOUT SELF! We are taught that life is about sacrifices. What if its NOT.  A Better Self makes for a Better Life for you and those that surround or depend on you. 

We think about our bodies our physical fitness.  But growing up, going through school, we were never really taught, about how to keep our brains firing mechanisms, functioning youthfully. This goes beyond doing a little cross-word or siduko daily, people. Although that helps, its not the core of what keeps you brain young.

We could be the most fit, toned, conscious of our daily diet, type of person, and you could still have an old brain! WHY?

Unfortunately we do it to ourselves! Now you might say “I would never fall into that category! I would never do anything that would directly result in harm to myself or my family. What I have to say about that is this….

Are you sleeping well?
Are you getting enough sex?
Are you at your desired fitness or weight?
Is your energy level low or high?

These are things, are NOT suppose to get worse with age. Contrary to popular demand. The brain has the ability to heal itself as you will come to understand. But… it needs our help to do it.

Friday, January 8, 2016


When things start to look dark, its important to acknowledge it. If its from the moment you wake up (stubbing your toe) or its been a series of events through out days or weeks even, its important to:

Number 1: acknowledge it. No matter whose, or whats, fault it is, the truth is we create our lives. Through the decisions we make and the path or direction our lives follow based on the decisions. 
Number 2: Take responsibility. Blaming others for misfortunes will not put you on the right track and can hurt others in the process.
We can feel unappreciated, unnoticed, helpless, or in limbo… The trick is to try and acknowledge this from the get go instead of days later. How do you do this? 
Gratitude. Start a daily gratitude list. Simple things. Just jot them down before bed.
Gratitude for stubbing my toe? WHAT? Life sends us reminders. Sometimes large. Sometimes small. 
Some immediate responses are…. Fuuuuuuuuu…….Son of a ………dog gone it…….just great!  Is it really gonna be that kind of a day? 
Think on it. If it were cupids arrow we wouldn't be cursing right? Wrong! Arrows hurt.. people! It’s the thought of love that makes us feel pleasant about that kind of reminder. Its time to take a look at how your thought helps create your day and your life.
Have you heard of the expression “It could’ve been worse”? This expression is linked to the phrase “that things can only get better from here on out”. Why is this? We want things to be good in our lives, we want to be happy. Can things really “only get better” IF “it could’ve been worse?”
What ever your style of acknowledging pain are, physical, mental, emotional etc. If you can then see it for what it is… just a brief moment in time. Here’s where you look at your “toe” and you notice as the pain starts to go away that this is life telling you that you need to FOCUS. Think on it. 
Were you really being present in the moment or was your mind say, going over an agenda for work, making breakfast for the kids, and running a list of what to do that day, from work to errands, all the way to what’s for dinner before you even got to the bathroom and the toe incident happened. This is just a simple example. You were actually already living in the future not BE-ing. This happens to many of us. We forget how to BE us. And the only time we have a sense of BE-ing is when we’re on vacation. Hiking, laying on some beach, reading a book, etc. 
You see life is NOT against us, life is NOT getting in our way of things we would love to achieve or do. WE get in our way. Even if we feel forced to choose path, which makes us feel like there is no other way, we are just kidding ourselves to feel better. We still have the choice to choose. This will shock some or just irritate some but the truth is we have choices and those choices lead us places. 
Sometimes just reading something that inspires the heart can set the tone for the rest of your day. Simple words, that because life is always testing us,when that something, event happens  that can just set you off… Your brain and your heart can actually come back to some simple words of light-ness ; 
We can all use a simple reminder of what is truly important. We can all use a small burst of inspiration. I hope that you will find some inspiration in what I post. I appreciate comments and if you want something specific, please message me and I will do my best to find something that may help you in your day! I will post some examples of how life has tested a few people and how they continued on over the next couple of days. I hope you will find inspiration in them.